[Bldg-sim] Simulation Used in Over 60% High Performance Building Database

Shefali Rajendra Modi smodi at umich.edu
Mon Jun 17 09:41:32 PDT 2002

I created a window gas material using the inbuilt option of "air" for the
gas instead of customizing it. The way I understand the program, I do not
need to enter values for conductivity, viscosity and specific heat
coeeficients and molecular weight. However my program terminates with the
following errors. Does anyone know why this happens. I have pasted the
input file in here, i am sorry, its very long.

thanks a lot
Shefali Modi

Program Version,EnergyPlus, 6/17/02 12:29 PM
   ** Severe  ** Out of range value numeric Field#2 (Conductivity
Coefficient A), value=0.00000, range=>0.0, in MATERIAL:WINDOWGAS=AIR13MM
   ** Severe  ** Out of range value numeric Field#4 (Viscosity Coefficient
A), value=0.00000, range=>0.0, in MATERIAL:WINDOWGAS=AIR13MM
   ** Severe  ** Out of range value numeric Field#6 (Specific Heat
Coefficient A), value=0.00000, range=>0.0, in MATERIAL:WINDOWGAS=AIR13MM
   ** Severe  ** Out of range value numeric Field#8 (Molecular Weight),
value=0.00000, range=>=20.0 and <=200.0, in MATERIAL:WINDOWGAS=AIR13MM
   ** Severe  ** Out of "range" values found in input
   **  Fatal  ** Out of "range" values and/or blank required fields found
in input
   ************* EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 0 Warning; 5
Severe Errors

Input File:
!-Generator IDFEditor 1.05

!-NOTE: All comments with '!-' are ignored by the IDFEditor and are
generated automatically.
!-      Use '!' comments if they need to be retained when using the

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: VERSION ===========

! 1ZoneUncontrolled.idf
! Basic file description: Basic test for EnergyPlus
! Run:      2 design days.
! Building: Fictional 1 zone building with resistive walls.  No floor.  No
! Internal: None.
! System:   None.
! Plant:    None.
! 4/7/00 -- Updated with most "detailed" models for this input file:
! SolDis=-1, Aniso, Detailed Interior and Exterior Convection
    1.0.1;                   !- Version Identifier

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDING ===========

! Building Name
    A1,                      !- Building Name
! Building Azimuth
    0,                       !- North Axis {deg}
! Building Terrain
    City,                    !- Terrain
! Loads Convergence Tolerance
    .04,                     !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value {W}
! Temperature Convergence Tolerance
    .4,                      !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value
! Solar Distribution
    FullInteriorAndExterior; !- Solar Distribution

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: TIMESTEP IN HOUR ===========

    6;                       !- Time Step in Hour


! Inside Convection Algorithm
    Detailed;                !- InsideConvectionValue


! Outside Convection Algorithm
    Detailed;                !- OutsideConvectionValue


! MinimalShadowing is appropriate Solar Distribution -- this has no floor
    1;                       !- SkyRadianceValue

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SOLUTION ALGORITHM ===========

! Solution Algorithm
    MTF;                     !- SolutionAlgo


    20;                      !- Period_for_calculations

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: AIRFLOW MODEL ===========

Airflow Model,
    COMIS;                   !- AirFlowModelValue


    1;                       !- Capacitance Multiplier

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUN CONTROL ===========

    Yes,                     !- Do the zone sizing calculation
    No,                      !- Do the system sizing calculation
    No,                      !- Do the plant sizing calculation
    Yes,                     !- Do the design day simulations
    Yes;                     !- Do the weather file simulation

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUNPERIOD ===========

    3,                       !- Begin Month
    1,                       !- Begin Day Of Month
    3,                       !- End Month
    31,                      !- End Day Of Month
    UseWeatherFile,          !- Day Of Week For Start Day
    No,                      !- Use WeatherFile Holidays/Special Days
    Yes;                     !- Use WeatherFile DaylightSavingPeriod

    6,                       !- Begin Month
    1,                       !- Begin Day Of Month
    6,                       !- End Month
    31,                      !- End Day Of Month
    UseWeatherFile,          !- Day Of Week For Start Day
    No,                      !- Use WeatherFile Holidays/Special Days
    Yes;                     !- Use WeatherFile DaylightSavingPeriod

    9,                       !- Begin Month
    1,                       !- Begin Day Of Month
    9,                       !- End Month
    31,                      !- End Day Of Month
    UseWeatherFile,          !- Day Of Week For Start Day
    No,                      !- Use WeatherFile Holidays/Special Days
    Yes;                     !- Use WeatherFile DaylightSavingPeriod

    12,                      !- Begin Month
    1,                       !- Begin Day Of Month
    12,                      !- End Month
    31,                      !- End Day Of Month
    UseWeatherFile,          !- Day Of Week For Start Day
    No,                      !- Use WeatherFile Holidays/Special Days
    Yes;                     !- Use WeatherFile DaylightSavingPeriod

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: DESIGNDAY ===========

    DET3,                    !- DesignDayName
    21.7,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    39.5,                    !- Daily Temperature Range {C}
    11.4,                    !- Wet-Bulb Temperature At MaxTemp {C}
    99284.51,                !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    18,                      !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    181,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    .46,                     !- Sky Clearness
    1,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day Of Month
    3,                       !- Month
    Monday,                  !- Day Type
    0;                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator

    DET6,                    !- DesignDayName
    33.9,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    34.6,                    !- Daily Temperature Range {C}
    24.2,                    !- Wet-Bulb Temperature At MaxTemp {C}
    99284.51,                !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    11.8,                    !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    170,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    .53,                     !- Sky Clearness
    1,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day Of Month
    6,                       !- Month
    Monday,                  !- Day Type
    0;                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator

    DET9,                    !- DesignDayName
    32.8,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    36,                      !- Daily Temperature Range {C}
    22.5,                    !- Wet-Bulb Temperature At MaxTemp {C}
    99284.51,                !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    10.3,                    !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    150,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    .5,                      !- Sky Clearness
    1,                       !- Rain Indicator
    1,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day Of Month
    9,                       !- Month
    Monday,                  !- Day Type
    1;                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator

    DET12,                   !- DesignDayName
    15,                      !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    30.4,                    !- Daily Temperature Range {C}
    10.7,                    !- Wet-Bulb Temperature At MaxTemp {C}
    99284.51,                !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    20.6,                    !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    171,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    .37,                     !- Sky Clearness
    1,                       !- Rain Indicator
    1,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day Of Month
    12,                      !- Month
    Monday,                  !- Day Type
    1;                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: GROUNDTEMPERATURES ===========

    1.9,                     !- January Ground Temperature {C}
    .1,                      !- February Ground Temperature {C}
    .5,                      !- March Ground Temperature {C}
    3.3,                     !- April Ground Temperature {C}
    7.6,                     !- May Ground Temperature {C}
    12.4,                    !- June Ground Temperature {C}
    16.3,                    !- July Ground Temperature {C}
    18.3,                    !- August Ground Temperature {C}
    17.8,                    !- September Ground Temperature {C}
    15,                      !- October Ground Temperature {C}
    10.6,                    !- November Ground Temperature {C}
    5.8;                     !- December Ground Temperature {C}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: GROUNDREFLECTANCES ===========

    1,                       !- January Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    1,                       !- February Ground Reflectance
    0.2,                     !- March Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    0.2,                     !- April Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    .2,                      !- May Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    0.2,                     !- June Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    .2,                      !- July Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    .2,                      !- August Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    .5,                      !- September Ground Reflectance
    1,                       !- October Ground Reflectance {dimensionless}
    1,                       !- November Ground Reflectance
    1;                       !- December Ground Reflectance


Snow Ground Reflectance Modifiers,
    1,                       !- Ground Reflected Solar Modifier
    1;                       !- Daylighting Ground Reflected Solar

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:REGULAR ===========

    BRICK1,                  !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    .2,                      !- Thickness {m}
    .89404,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1922.216,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    794.96,                  !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    .9,                      !- Absorptance:Thermal
    .9,                      !- Absorptance:Solar
    .95;                     !- Absorptance:Visible

    CONCRETE1,               !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    .3,                      !- Thickness {m}
    1.9467,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    2242.585,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    899.56,                  !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    .9,                      !- Absorptance:Thermal
    .9,                      !- Absorptance:Solar
    1;                       !- Absorptance:Visible

    WOOD1,                   !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    .1016,                   !- Thickness {m}
    .152852,                 !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    616.7108,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    1631.76,                 !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    .9,                      !- Absorptance:Thermal
    .8,                      !- Absorptance:Solar
    .9;                      !- Absorptance:Visible

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:WINDOWGLASS ===========

    G1,                      !- Name
    SpectralAverage,         !- Optical Data Type
    A1,                      !- Name of Window Glass Spectral Data Set
    .0057,                   !- Thickness {m}
    .253,                    !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    .244,                    !- Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence:
Front Side
    .261,                    !- Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence:
Back Side
    .406,                    !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    .139,                    !- Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence:
Front Side
    .141,                    !- Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence:
Back Side
    0,                       !- IR Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    .84,                     !- IR Hemispherical Emissivity: Front Side
    .089,                    !- IR Hemispherical Emissivity: Back Side
    .9;                      !- Conductivity {W/m-K}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:WINDOWGAS ===========

    AIR13mm,                 !- Name
    Air,                     !- Gas Type
     .0127,                  !- Thickness {m}
     0,                      !- Conductivity Coefficient A {W/m-K}
     0,                      !- Conductivity Coefficient B {W/m-K2}
    0,                       !- Viscosity Coefficient A {g/m-s}
    0,                       !- Viscosity Coefficient B {g/m-s-K}
    0,                       !- Specific Heat Coefficient A {J/kg-K}
    0,                       !- Specific Heat Coefficient B {J/kg-K2}
     0;                      !- Molecular Weight

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION ===========

    WALL1,                   !- Name
    BRICK1;                  !- Outside Layer

    SLAB1,                   !- Name
    CONCRETE1;               !- Outside Layer

    WIN1,                    !- Name
    G1,                      !- Outside Layer
    AIR13mm,                 !- Layer #2
    G1;                      !- Layer #3

    WIN2,                    !- Name
    G1;                      !- Outside Layer

    WALL2,                   !- Name
    WOOD1;                   !- Outside Layer

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE ===========

! Zone Name
    Z1,                      !- Zone Name
! Zone North Axis (relative to Building)
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
! Zone X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- X Origin {m}
! Zone Y Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
! Zone Z Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Z Origin {m}
! Zone Type
    1,                       !- Type
! Zone Multiplier
    1,                       !- Multiplier
! Zone Ceiling Height {m}
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
! Zone Volume {m**3}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z2,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    4,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z3,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    8,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z4,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    0,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    4,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z5,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    4,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    4,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z6,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    8,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    4,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z7,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    0,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    8,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z8,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    4,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    8,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z9,                      !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    8,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    8,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
    96,                      !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

    Z10,                     !- Zone Name
    0,                       !- Relative North (to building) {deg}
    0,                       !- X Origin {m}
    -.6,                     !- Y Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    12,                      !- Ceiling Height {m}
    86.4,                    !- Volume {m3}
    Detailed;                !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SURFACEGEOMETRY ===========

! BLAST Translator units, UpperLeftCorner, Counter Clock-Wise, World
Coordinate System
! Note original Building and Zone Origins are retained
    UpperLeftCorner,         !- SurfaceStartingPosition
    CW,                      !- VertexEntry
    WorldCoordinateSystem;   !- SurfaceGeometryKey

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SURFACE:HEATTRANSFER ===========

    Z1W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z1N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z1E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z2W,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z1S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z2W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z1E,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z2N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z2E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z3W,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z2S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z3W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z2E,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z3N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z3E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z3S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z4W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z4N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z4E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z5W,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z4S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z5W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherSideCoeff,          !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z6E,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z5N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z5E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z5W,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z5S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z6W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z5E,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z6N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z6E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z6S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z7W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z7N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z7E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z8W,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z7S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z8W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z7E,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z8N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z8E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z9W,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z8S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z9W,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z8E,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z9N,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z9E,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z9S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z1D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    Ground,                  !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z1U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z4U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z4D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z1U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z4U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z7D,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z7D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z4U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z7U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z2D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    Ground,                  !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z2U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z5D,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z5D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z2U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z5U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z8D,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z8D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z5U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z8U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z3D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    Ground,                  !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z3U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z6D,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z6D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z3U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z6U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z9D,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z9D,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z6U,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z9U,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9,                      !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    6,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z10W,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10,                     !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z10N,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL2,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10,                     !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    OtherZoneSurface,        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    Z1S,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z10E,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10,                     !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z10S,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WALL,                    !- Surface Type
    WALL1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10,                     !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z10D,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    FLOOR,                   !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10,                     !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    Ground,                  !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    0,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Z10U,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    CEILING,                 !- Surface Type
    SLAB1,                   !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10,                     !- InsideFaceEnvironment
    ExteriorEnvironment,     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    1,                       !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}


    W1S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z1S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W2S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z2S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W3S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z3S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    4;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W4S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z4S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4.25,                    !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4.25,                    !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W5S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z5S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4.25,                    !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4.25,                    !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W6S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z6S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    4.25,                    !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    4.25,                    !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    8;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W7S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z7S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    4,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8.25,                    !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8.25,                    !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W8S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z8S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    8,                       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8.25,                    !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8.25,                    !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W9S,                     !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z9S,                     !- Base Surface Name
    W10N,                    !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    8.25,                    !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    8.25,                    !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    8,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W10N,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10N,                    !- Base Surface Name
    W1S,                     !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    W10S,                    !- User Supplied Surface Name
    WINDOW,                  !- Surface Type
    WIN1,                    !- Construction Name of the Surface
    Z10S,                    !- Base Surface Name
    ,                        !- OutsideFaceEnvironment Object
    .5,                      !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Name of shading control
    ,                        !- WindowFrameAndDivider Name
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Surface Vertice Groups -- Number
of (X,Y,Z) groups in this surface
    12,                      !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    .25,                     !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12,                      !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -.6,                     !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    12;                      !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULETYPE ===========

    S1,                      !- ScheduleType Name
    0.0:1.0,                 !- range
    CONTINUOUS;              !- Numeric Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: DAYSCHEDULE ===========

    D1,                      !- Name
    S1,                      !- ScheduleType
    1,                       !- Hour 1
    1,                       !- Hour 2
    1,                       !- Hour 3
    1,                       !- Hour 4
    1,                       !- Hour 5
    1,                       !- Hour 6
    1,                       !- Hour 7
    1,                       !- Hour 8
    1,                       !- Hour 9
    1,                       !- Hour 10
    1,                       !- Hour 11
    1,                       !- Hour 12
    1,                       !- Hour 13
    1,                       !- Hour 14
    1,                       !- Hour 15
    1,                       !- Hour 16
    1,                       !- Hour 17
    1,                       !- Hour 18
    1,                       !- Hour 19
    1,                       !- Hour 20
    1,                       !- Hour 21
    1,                       !- Hour 22
    1,                       !- Hour 23
    1;                       !- Hour 24

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: WEEKSCHEDULE ===========

    W1,                      !- Name
    D1,                      !- Sunday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Monday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Tuesday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Wednesday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Thursday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Friday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Saturday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- Holiday DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- SummerDesignDay DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- WinterDesignDay DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1,                      !- CustomDay1 DAYSCHEDULE Name
    D1;                      !- CustomDay2 DAYSCHEDULE Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE ===========

    M1,                      !- Name
    S1,                      !- ScheduleType
    W1,                      !- Name of WEEKSCHEDULE 1
    3,                       !- Start Month 1
    1,                       !- Start Day 1
    3,                       !- End Month 1
    31,                      !- End Day 1
    W1,                      !- Name of WEEKSCHEDULE 2
    6,                       !- Start Month 2
    1,                       !- Start Day 2
    6,                       !- End Month 2
    30,                      !- End Day 2
    W1,                      !- Name of WEEKSCHEDULE 3
    9,                       !- Start Month 3
    1,                       !- Start Day 3
    9,                       !- End Month 3
    30,                      !- End Day 3
    W1,                      !- Name of WEEKSCHEDULE 4
    12,                      !- Start Month 4
    1,                       !- Start Day 4
    12,                      !- End Month 4
    31;                      !- End Day 4

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING PARAMETERS ===========

    1;                       !- sizing factor

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE SIZING ===========

    ,                        !- Name of a zone
    ,                        !- Zone cooling design supply air temperature
    ,                        !- Zone heating design supply air temperature
    ,                        !- Zone cooling design supply air humidity
ratio {kg-H20/kg-air}
    ,                        !- Zone heating design supply air humidity
ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    ,                        !- outside air method
    .00944;                  !- outside air flow per person {m3/s}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: REPORT VARIABLE ===========

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    outdoor dry bulb,        !- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    mean air temperature,    !- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Zone-Total Latent Gain,  !- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Zone-Total Electric Consumption,
                             !- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    mean radiant temperature,!- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Surface Inside Temperature,
                             !- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Surface Outside Temperature,
                             !- Variable_Name
    daily;                   !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Surface Int Convection Coeff,
                             !- Variable_Name
    daily;                   !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Surface Ext Convection Coeff,
                             !- Variable_Name
    daily;                   !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    *,                       !- Key_Value
    Zone- Total Sensible Gain,
                             !- Variable_Name
    hourly;                  !- Reporting_Frequency

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: REPORT ===========

    variable dictionary;     !- Type_of_Report

    surfaces,                !- Type_of_Report
    dxf;                     !- Name_of_Report

    construction;            !- Type_of_Report

Shefali Modi
M.Sc. Architecture, Environmental Technology
Art and Architecture Building 2094

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