[Bldg-sim] eQuest - Temp of air leaving heat coil

Bruno Lee brunolee at psu.edu
Wed Mar 19 09:16:31 PDT 2008

Hi All,

I am new to eQuest, and am using version 3.60 (build 5200).

I have a question regarding the Hourly Reports Entry : Temp of air  
leaving heat coil - hot deck temp (deg F) (under HVAC system).

Disregard of the building locations, building configurations (single  
zone, multi-zones), system type (CAV, VAV), the "Temp of air leaving  
heat coil" is always very cold, and even colder than "Temp of air  
entering coil" during winter heating season. However, at the same time  
"Total central heat coil output (Btu/hr)" indicates there is heat  
output, just that it is not reflected in the "Temp of air leaving heat  

I would appreciate any advices. Thanks in advance.

Bruno Lee
M.S. Student
Department of Architectural Engineering
Penn State University
brunolee at psu.edu

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