[Bldg-sim] Hourly schedules for equipment gains, occupancy, and lighting for typical houses in the UK

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Mon Sep 6 09:31:59 PDT 2010

+++ Jin Minming [2010-09-06 16:24 +0000]:
> Hello,
> I want to simulate the thermal performance for typical houses in the UK (or
> England).  National calculation method (http://www.ncm.bre.co.uk) is for
> buildings other than dwellings.  But hourly schedules for equipment gains,
> lighting, and occupancy are available from this database. For example,
> Dwell_DomBed(An area primarily used for sleep), Dwell_DomLounge (The main
> reception room of the home), etc.   I am not sure whether these schedules are
> appropriate for the application of building simulation in typical UK houses? 

Neither am I without seeing them. What sort of times/outputs do they
specify? Given that info we should be able to see if they were wildly
innapropriate of not. They are presumably based on US data? 

> If
> not, any other database may be avaiable for the UK houses? I have checked the
> Standard Assessment Procedure SAP and there are not detailed hourly schedules
> for this purpose.

I'm not aware of other data. PHPP must have some numbers in it for
this stuff, which would at least be european-based, if not
specifically UK. Lighting times certainly need to be
lattitude-adjusted as we get a lot of dark-hours in comparison to
central europe. 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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