[Bldg-sim] getting spammed by energy-models.com

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Wed Feb 26 18:52:20 PST 2014

+++ Christian Stalberg [2014-02-26 07:46 -0800]:
>    Is anyone else on the bldg-sim list getting spammed by energy-models.com
>    through a third party email company?

I got 4 mails from them in 2013, all sent via vresp.com. I'm pretty sure
I've never visited energymodels.com website and have no idea who they

The mails don't say where my email was harvested from.

>    The mass email company energy-models.com has contracted with is Vertical
>    Response (vresp.com) based in San Francisco, California. They have an
>    anti-SPAM policy which includes using harvested email addresses which you
>    can read at [1]http://www.verticalresponse.com/about/tos_anti-spam.html .
>    You can notify Vertical Response that you been a victim of
>    emergy-models.com spamming and email harvesting by contacting them at
>    abuse at verticalresponse.com.

Cheers for that. Give 'em a hard time. Too many companies now think that
any contact gives them a licence to spam you forevermore. And of course
some don't even wait for that initial contact. That didn't used to
happen in the world of real shops. Multiply this by the hundreds of
outfits we deal with every year and the result is a massive PITA.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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