[Equest-users] Percent of Hours Outside of Throttling Range

Imran Syed imran at hmsmep.com
Fri Aug 21 07:37:43 PDT 2009

In reference to the Pg 108 of 135 in the 3.63 Tutorial, it states "To
calculate the total number of hours outside
the throttlig range, multiply the percentage reported here by the "Hours
Fans ON" reported on SS-E".

I am modeling a School and the percent of hours under throttle range is 12%.
One of the comments from the LEED reviewer was that it would be 1050 hours
(12% of 8760).
The total number of hours the fans are working are 2000 hours.
Would it be right if I send a response back stating the Unmet hours are (12%
of 2000 = 240 hours).
Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

Imran Syed, LEED AP
HMS Engineering
"Where air,water and fire behave"

Chicago Office
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