[Equest-users] G3.1.2.8 Interpretation Return Fans

Craig Simmons craig at greenengineer.com
Wed Feb 24 13:26:31 PST 2010

I think the exhaust fans in your proposed building would be the equivalent of having relief fans in the baseline system. So the Baseline should have supply and relief fans, with no return fans.

Craig Simmons, LEED AP
The Green Engineer, LLP
Sustainable Design Consulting
50 Beharrell Street
Concord, MA 01742
t: 978/369-8978
craig at greenengineer.com

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-----Original Message-----
From: omoltay at mimtarch.com [mailto:omoltay at mimtarch.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 12:01 PM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Cc: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] G3.1.2.8 Interpretation Return Fans

Dear All,

I would like to get your opinions on whether my interpretation of the
following regarding G3.1.2.8 is correct:

My proposed building is conditioned by fan coils and air handler unit
providing ventilation air. In such a system, there are only supply fans
(AHU supply, FCU supply) and exhaust fans (AHU exhaust). There is no

For the baseline case, according to G3.1.1A, I am modeling System 5 -
Packaged VAV with reheat. I am confused about whether to model return fans
with this.

G3.1.2.8 says that if the proposed case has return/relief fans, then the
baseline case should be modeled with these as well.

Does this mean I need to count the exhaust fans in proposed as
return/relief fans and model these in baseline as well in line with

Thank you for any replies,

Omer Moltay, LEED AP
Mimta Ltd.

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