[Equest-users] FW: Baseline BHP for a Warehouse Unit ventilators

Mohammad Almasri malmasri at ems-int.com
Sun Jul 18 04:43:40 PDT 2010

Dear Equesters,
Am working on a warehouse project under the LEED NC.   About 90% of the
spaces will be served by unit ventilators (no heating and cooling).
In this case the  baseline system should be the same(UV) .

But what about the fans BHP? Should I use the same actual value for the
baseline or its should as per the equation in appendix G?

In the case study shown in the  user manual, they used the same fan power
for the unit ventilators (but the example is for a  parking garage) . but
that not make a sense in the warehouse case. if I used the same KW/CFM in
both model the energy saving will reduced from 30% to 7% only .

Any advice or sources could help in that?

Best regards, 

Mohammad Al-Masri
Simulation Engineer

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