[Equest-users] Water Side HVAC

sambhav tiwari tiwari.sambhav at gmail.com
Mon May 17 21:51:14 PDT 2010

Hi Equesters,
.I                       In the Chilled water loop propeties  under
process/DHW load Tab it asks about process load in Mbtu/hr and process flow
in gpm and process delta T .I didnt get for what purpose this parameters are
used. what is this porcess load, is it the equipment load ,when i checked in
DOE2 help it says process load attached to chilled water loop this should be
peak load . and what is this process flow(it says flow associated with
process load)

I am unclear with this answer can any elaborate this to me.

I look forward for your response.

Sambhav Tiwari
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