[Equest-users] Minimum Fresh Air AHU

Andy Harrison Andy.Harrison at arup.com
Wed Nov 3 02:48:22 PDT 2010

Hi All,

I am trying to model a building which has a minimum fresh air AHU serving all zones, each of which also has a local cooling unit.  I was trying to model this using a single zone AHU for each zone, with outside air to all units coming from the multizone unit, which I created later, however I am getting an error saying that the multizone AHU needs to be assigned at least one zone.  How can I do this, when all of the zones are assigned to a local unit?  If I assign a small zone to get rid of the error, will the multizone AHU only be sized for the cooling load associated with this zone?  How can I confirm that the multizone AHU is sized for the appropriate fresh air load?


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