[Equest-users] Global Parameters - wizard to detail

Katie MacKenzie kmacken2 at email.smith.edu
Tue Nov 23 11:39:10 PST 2010


I'm trying to conduct several simple sensitivity analyses for a building
model.  I understand how to create a Global Parameter and then implement it
into the Detailed Mode for a given input.  However, I'm confused on how to
correlate the input in Wizard mode I want to change to the input value in
Detailed Mode.

For example, I want to compare the change in energy consumption for Ground
Floor Construction concrete thickness (that is, comparing 4, 6, 8, and 12
in.).  In Wizard Mode, I change this parameter on the *Building Envelope
Construction *page, *Ground Floor* section, under *Construction*.  However,
in Detailed Mode where can I find this specific parameter?  In the Component
Tree, Construction and Layers have IFlr Constructin, but don't know which
floor is refers.  I can also found in Materials Concrete at a thickness of t
= 12 in. (the nominal setting I chose), but I can only assume choosing this
changes other sections of the building.

Is there a simple way to correlate the parameter inputs in Wizard Mode to
Detailed Mode?


Note: I know the example I gave shouldn't haven't significant change in
energy consumption, but that's what I'm trying to prove.

Katie MacKenzie
Undergraduate Student
Smith College, Picker Engineering Program

kmacken2 at smith.edu
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