[Equest-users] [eQuest-users] Simulation problems with infiltration and ventilation for a grocery store at Mexico City

josÿffffffffffe9 luis bermÿfffffffffffadez beralco at yahoo.com.mx
Wed Jul 24 12:07:02 PDT 2013

Dear all,
I am working with an energy analysis in eQuest of a grocery store at Mexico City.   The grocery store is a small 9,217 sq.ft. with 138 people (approx) at the same time (67 sq.ft./person).  The only loads that I am using are lighting and appliances.  The store is considered as a "dry store".  I am not placing any big commercial refrigerator for meat.  
I have some problems with the infiltration and ventilation.  The more I read about these topics and try to apply the information to the model, the more confused I get over and over again.  I am not sure if I have introduced the right data to eQuest.  I used 0.161 ACH for infiltration from the following source in page 32 (infiltration) in the internal loads for the space properties:
I am not sure if I input this in the right place.  The ventilation is another issue that I do not have any clue.  What should I put and where should I put it?  These are the only problems, with my limited experience, that could be causing some problems.    I am attaching the INP and the PD2 files plus an AutoCAD file, because I drew the floorplan and imported it to eQuest.  Please, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Jose Luis Bermudez Alcocer.
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