[Bldg-rate] LEED Certification

Eric O'Neill elo at MichaelsEngineering.com
Wed Apr 28 08:58:07 PDT 2010

Ooph. I see (something like) this a lot, and here's what we usually tell
people (other comments on this would be welcome J):


1)      Before starting construction, you want a point buffer,
especially if you're just going for LEED plastic. Even if you're
diligent, most projects will still lose a point or four along the way.
It happens. Your LEED person can't be omni-present, so unless the team
is well versed, requirements get overlooked. So you should be aiming
higher than your goal. 

2)      It is much easier to get points early rather than late. As
construction progresses, your options for new points dwindle. Depending
on when you decide to upgrade, you might only have a precious few points
you can even consider. 

3)      Once it is certified at any level, it's fixed there. I'm not
aware of any ability to go back and upgrade the certification other than
to go for LEED - EB O&M.


Good luck,




From: bldg-rate-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-rate-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Steven
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 10:20 AM
To: bldg-rate at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-rate] LEED Certification


I am currently involved in a project that is not sure if they would like
to go for LEED Certified or LEED Silver for a TI of the entire building.
The GC and architect's idea is to encompass enough points for LEED
Certified and if needed, go back after the project has been certified to
achieve LEED Silver status.  Is this possible to do?  If so, what would
be the process that we would need to take in order to achieve going from
LEED Certified to LEED Silver?  Thank you in advance for your help.


Steven Rutter



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