[Bldg-rate] ASHRAE 90.1 G3.1.1

Kevin Kyte KKyte at watts-ae.com
Mon Feb 27 08:37:24 PST 2012

Each floor shall be modeled with a separate HVAC system yet each system (System 5 & 6) shall be packaged?  5 storey buildings less than 150,000 ft2 shall have 5 packaged rooftop air handlers?
If we are trying to change the intuitive design of building structures than someone should tell the Architect what they shall do with the floor space earlier in design.

Kevin J. Kyte, PE, BEMP, LEED (r) GA
Mechanical Engineer
Watts Architecture & Engineering, P.C.
95 Perry Street, Suite 300
Buffalo, NY  14203
p:  716 206 5174
f.:  716 206 5199
e:   kkyte at watts-ae.com<mailto:kkyte at watts-ae.com>

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