Who's out there?

Z. Todd Taylor Todd.Taylor at pnl.gov
Thu Mar 4 11:24:11 PST 1999

> About 90 people are on the mailing list currently.  As the 
> list owner, to reduce spam, I decided to not allow people 
> to see the e-mail addresses of the subscribers.  I can 
> easily change this if all the subscribers would prefer 
> that.  So here is the question, do the subscribers want 
> their e-mail address available to others?

I certainly wouldn't put them on every email header.  I
wouldn't be opposed to a list member being able to query
the system for a list of subscribers, though.  But others
might object, especially those whose 'net feeds cost them
by the byte or minute.

> While we are on the topic of list administration, I can 
> automatically add the mailing list name [BLDG-SIM] in every 
> subject line.  It may help people identify where the e-mail 
> is coming from.  Who wants the name [BLDG-SIM] to appear in 
> the subject line?

Yes, absolutely.  It facilitates automatic sorting of email.

Z. Todd Taylor
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Todd.Taylor at pnl.gov
Why is a peanut neither a pea nor a nut?

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