[BLDG-SIM] DOE-2 weather processor

marco beccali beccali at cdc8g5.cdc.polimi.it
Fri Mar 17 00:43:46 PST 2000

I've experienced a problem with the weather processor of micro-doe2 (pc
version of DOE2.1E vers. 58) trying to utilise the OTHER file type in the
PACK command.
My purpose is to convert measured data (DBT, RH, atm press, total horiz
radiation, wind speed and direction) to a DOE-2 packed and readable weather
I have followed the instructions reported in the DOE-2 User New Vol 2, N.1,
Spring 99, but I don't succed to have any packed file.
Could someone help me (maybe providing samples of INPUT.TMP and WEATHR.TMP

*  Ing. Marco Beccali							*
*  Dipartimento di Disegno Industriale e Tecnologie dell'Architettura	*
*  (DITEC)                                                              *
*  Politecnico di Milano						*	
*  Via Bonardi,3 20133 MILANO - ITALY					*
*  tel. +39-2-23995106							*

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