[BLDG-SIM] GenOpt version 1.1 released

Michael Wetter MWetter at lbl.gov
Wed Nov 15 10:54:04 PST 2000

GenOpt(R) 1.1 has been released. GenOpt is a generic optimization
program developed by the Simulation Research Group at LBNL.

It is designed for minimization of a so-called objective function, such
as annual energy use, that is computed by an external simulation

GenOpt can automatically determine the values of user-selected system
parameters such that optimal system performance is achieved. It can also
identify unknown parameters in a data-fitting process.

By modifying a configuration file, users can easily couple any external
program (like EnergyPlus, DOE-2, SPARK, BLAST, TRACE, TRNSYS, or any
user-written program with text-based input/output) to compute the
function being minimized.

GenOpt also offers an interface for implementing your own optimization
algorithms in its library.

New in version 1.1 are additional optimization algorithms for
one-dimensional and multi-dimensional optimization, an algorithm that
allows doing parametric runs on a multidimensional grid, and the ability
to process multiple function values.

For more information, please visit http://simulationresearch.lbl.gov/GO

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