[BLDG-SIM] Fans, Pumps energy consumption

Spillane, Damien D.Spillane at ldn.cjp.co.uk
Tue Dec 11 09:10:34 PST 2001

Has anyone looked at these issues, or had any experience calculating these
There has been very little done on this topic in the UK.

> Hello all,
> I am trying to relate fan, pumps and controls energy consumption to an
> space/air load for different systems, i.e. fan coils or VAV versus chilled
> beams.
> Or can the pump load be related to some other factor, i.e. a circuit load
> Many thanks
> Damien
> Damien Spillane
> Cundall Johnston & Partners
> 13-17 Long Lane,
> London 
> EC1A 9RH
> T: 020 7776 5000
> D: 020 7776 5093
> F: 020 7776 5001 

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