[BLDG-SIM] ASHRAE TC 4.7 Research Survey

Vern Smith vsmith at archenergy.com
Wed May 16 15:56:53 PDT 2001

Please pardon our cross-posts.

ASHRAE Technical Committee (TC) 4.7, Energy Calculations, is evaluating
the results of its research to guide future activities. As part of our
evaluation, we would like to know how the results of our past research
projects have contributed to the HVAC and building communities.
Eighteen research projects have been sponsored (or co-sponsored) by TC
4.7 since 1990. Twelve of the projects are complete and publications
ranging from technical papers to software toolkits have been published

Results of the survey will be presented at the next TC 4.7 meeting
during the ASHRAE Annual Meeting in Cincinnati. The evaluation report
will  be forwarded to ASHRAE Society-level committees for their
consideration in future research policy and funding decisions.

Your input is very important. Please take a few minutes to respond to
the survey. Links to abstracts of papers from the research projects are
provided for your reference.

This survey is not sponsored by ASHRAE headquarters. If you have any
questions or need further information, please contact Vern Smith at
303-444-4149 or by email vsmith at archenergy.com.


Vernon A. Smith, P.E.
Architectural Energy Corporation
vsmith at archenergy.com

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