[Bldg-sim] Simulation Used in Over 60% High Performance Building Database

Shefali Rajendra Modi smodi at umich.edu
Mon Jun 3 17:30:12 PDT 2002

I am working on a simulation in energy plus and have a few questions.

The rpt weather file does not provide all weather information such as
barometric pressure for design days, snow reflectance, etc. Where
can one get this information.

Secondly, I am studying heat performance of a double skin envelope in
comparision to a single glass surface. Would it be recommended to use the
trombe wall for the inside convection algorithm for the double skin or is
it better to create the airspace as a second zone?

Thirdly, the program prevents me from creating a glass wall and a
window has to be part of a wall. Its surface area cannot be equal to
the wall surface. Has anyone tried modeling a curtain wall
or something similar? How have you circumvented this?

Thank you
Shefali Modi

Shefali Modi
M.Sc. Architecture, Environmental Technology
Art and Architecture Building 2094

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