[bldg-sim] Quebec city weather file in TMY2 format

Liu, Bing Bing.Liu at pnl.gov
Tue Nov 5 10:56:29 PST 2002

 <http://doe2.com/Download/Weather/cTMY2/> Go to
http://doe2.com/Download/Weather/cTMY2/ and you will find bin file named
Bing Liu, P.E. 
Research Engineer 
Energy Science & Technology Directorate 
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 
Voice: (509) 375-3710 
Fax:    (509) 375-3614 
Email:  Bing.Liu at pnl.gov 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugues Boivin [mailto:huguesboivin at sympatico.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 10:42 AM
To: bldg-sim at gard.com
Subject: [bldg-sim] Quebec city weather file in TMY2 format

Does anyone have the Quebec city (Canada) weather file in TMY2 format ?
Hugues Boivin, Eng.
Graduated Student, Architecture School
Laval University, Quebec city
Quebec, Canada

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