[BLDG-SIM] Announcing the first ESP-r developers conference and workshop

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Wed May 7 00:54:05 PDT 2003

Announcing the first ESP-r developers conference and workshop

August 18-21 2003 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Scotland 

Since switching to the GPL distribution and development approach for
ESP-r there have been a growing number of individuals and groups who
have downloaded the distribution and who are making use of it in their
work, businesses and classrooms. With this expanding user community
comes an increasing demand to evolve the system.

We want current and potential developers from all over the world to come
together for a conference and workshop to expand their skills and focus 
on the evolution of ESP-r. This meeting follows on from the IBPSA 
conference in Eindhoven and we hope that many of the delegates will 
be able to attend. 

An initial schedule of events is listed below and updates to the 
venue and speakers and workshop sessions will be posted to the
ESRU web site <http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk>.

Monday 18 August: Conference on Current and Future Developments of ESP-r
The aim of this day is to have presentations from researchers
who are actively developing ESP-r, and to have a session on 
future directions and requirements.

Preliminary presentations scheduled are: 
* Brief development history of ESP-r - Joe Clarke (ESRU)
* Overview of current development efforts and impact of GPL - Jon Hand
* Building other tools from ESP-r - Phylroy Lopez (NRCan)
* Acoustics and life-cycle assessments as new domains - Stephane
Citherlet (EIVD)
* ESP-r & Radiance co-operative working - Iain MacDonald (SESG)
* Systems/electrical simulation (code/components/structures) - Nick
Kelly (ESRU)
* Overview of current mechanisms for generating and testing
  code/models/databases/documentation for inclusion in the
  archive and discussion on how this might evolve for a
  larger development community 
* Brainstorming on what ESP-r might become
* Brainstorming on community support for ESP-r
* Conference summary

Tuesday 19 August: Basic course on ESP-r development
The aim of this day is to give participants an overview of 
the ESP-r structure, procedures and tools for code development,
validation and integration of developments into the ESP-r distribution.

Topics include:
* ESP-r data model
* Structure of the code distribution including libraries
* Code development guide
* Compiling and creating a development workspace
* Exercises on compiling and modifying source code
* Exercises on code checking and development tools

Wednesday 20 August: Advanced topics for developers
The aim of this day is to look at theory and implementation
of key parts of the ESP-r system.

Topics include:
* The solvers (building/flow/CFD)
* Inter-domain communication
* Thermophysical sub-systems
* Data exchange with other software agents
* Working with other software agents
* Solar process - an exploration of code and data structures
* Adding functionality to ESP-r and extending the data model
* Workshop summary

Thursday 21 August: Individual projects
The aim of this day for those wishing to stay is to discuss
in detail current and future developments of participants.

It will start with a session planning ongoing and future
developments, after which there will be detailed discussions
on specific developments of interest to participants

Each day will run from 9:00 to 17:00. There will be a 
dinner on Tuesday evening.

Some sessions will require access to a computer capable of running
ESP-r as well as compiling source code. We encourage you to
bring along a laptop with a current ESP-r distribution and 
development tools already installed and power adaptors suitable for 
plugging into standard UK sockets. Note: ESP-r can be compiled
and run on a Windows only machine; however, that platform is
considered a BETA and Linux/Unix is the preferred setup for
the workshop sessions.

To register your interest in the conference please tick the 
boxes below and email back to Jon Hand (jon at esru.strath.ac.uk).
Remember to check the ESRU web pages for the latest news.

The conference and workshops fee (including Tuesday dinner) is 150
Workshops only fee is 100 Pounds and conference-only fee is 75 Pounds.

Details of accommodation will be listed on the ESRU web page.



[ ] I would like to attend the basic workshop
[ ] I would like to attend the advanced workshop
[ ] I would like to attend the conference

[ ] I would like to contribute to a conference session
    and my contribution is ______________________________

[ ] I would like to help with to workshop session(s)

[ ] I am interested in a joint project (involving an extended visit)
    (description) _____________________________

[ ] I will be bringing a laptop computer.

Regards, ESRU

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