[bldg-sim] Attached buildings in eQUEST

Jeff Haberl jeffhaberl at tees.tamus.edu
Thu Dec 29 07:45:03 PST 2005


There have been a few studies in the ASHRAE literature about reducing energy use in grocery stores. Most have focused on the design of the refrigeration systems, with very few discussing the simulation using DOE-2. 

If my memory serves me right the refrigeration commands in DOE-2 were added by LBL for a project with Seattle City and Light. I believe there is a paper in the old ACEEE proceedings by Colleen Cleary that details the project. I'm sure there is also an LBL report on this as well. Unfortunately, I think you'll be hard-pressed to simulate a complex, staged system with DOE-2 since this would involve manf curves and a need for site data to verify the conditions, etc. You may find better advice in the Food Marketing Institute publications, and/or material they distribute at their conferences. ARI has tons of material on this.  RMI has also done a bit of looking in this area, which would more than likely mean there is an Esource publication as well. 

There is some general design advice for hot humid climates. 1) Seal the building, reduce envelope loads, and use airlock entries to keep the moisture out. Use positive pressure to reduce infiltration. 2) Do your dehumidification with the most efficient system, which would be the A/C system, or dessicant system.  Avoid moisture in your freezer cases by keeping the store dry (less than 50% RH), use cased-in freezers. (I've noticed systems in Florida with AC supply duct pointed right at the Freezer cases to create a pool of dry air at the Freezer door). 3) Use the most efficient refrigeration system avail. 4) Reduce internal loads, use daylighting, etc. 

I'm sure there are a few more things I left-out. 

BB 8=!  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=(  8=)  :=')  8=)  8=)  8=? BB

Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., P.E.............................jhaberl at esl.tamu.edu

Professor......................................................Office Ph: 979-845-6507

Department of Architecture.......................Lab Ph: 979-845-6065 

Energy Systems Laboratory.......................FAX: 979-862-2457 

Texas A&M University..............................77843-3581

College Station, Texas, USA.......................URL: www-esl.tamu.edu

BB 8=/  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=()  8=) 8=?  8=)  8=)  8= BB

-----Original Message-----
From: bldg-sim at gard.com <bldg-sim at gard.com>
To: bldg-sim at gard.com <bldg-sim at gard.com>
Sent: Wed Dec 28 16:35:11 2005
Subject: [bldg-sim] Attached buildings in eQUEST

I have similar problems with trying to simulate a supermarket inside a mall!
I have to also do the simulation in equest in imperial units, when all my
background and local standards are metric! Will a metric version of the
interface be available soon anyone?

Is it possible to set the walls as having a schedule, or the
interconnections to the mall as being a separate metered source?

The supermarket I am trying to model almost completely inside the mall!, the
outer shell to the outside is on one side the warehouse of the supermarket
(narrow around 2 sides, 1 side and partially another is exposed to the mall
enviroment. Only half a wall is exposed to the outside weather conditions.

We are trying to check what happened as the building is existing, they have
3 chillers installed, with some modifications we are now trialing to run the
store on 1 chiller! The energy demand is now less than 50% of original

What we need to do is explain how to prevent this form occurring again in
the Group, hence we need to show simulation can work on the existing stores,
while auditing their energy consumption.

Does anyone have any experiences they could share.

PS we are based in Indonesia, so the outside conditions are tropical, humid
and hot all year round.

Best regards 

Euan McMillan 
PT Eco Energi Sistems

-----Original Message-----
From: bldg-sim at gard.com [mailto:bldg-sim at gard.com] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Thursday, 29 December 2005 4:00 AM
To: bldg-sim at gard.com
Subject: [bldg-sim] Attached buildings in eQUEST

To the list -

There seems to be some discussion about simulating adiabatic walls in
eQUEST. Using the eQUEST Schematic Design or Design Development wizard this
is very easy to do. In the building footprint screen of the wizard, right
click on any exterior wall and you will be able to identify that wall as
entirely adiabatic, partially adiabatic (and what portion) or entirely
exterior. This feature has been available in the general release of eQUEST
for quite some time.

Unfortunately, this and many other useful features are not well documented
due to our funding sources being primarily earmarked for feature development
and enhancements. Recently, however, we have received significant funding to
develop much better documentation for the eQUEST wizards, detailed
interface, reporting modules and life cycle costing capabilities.

Additionally, the DOE 2 BDL and simulation engine is fully supported by the
eQUEST detailed interface. From within the detailed interface, you can
assignment is not required. For more information on INTERIOR-WALL command,
refer to the DOE 2.2 documentat, Volume 2 Dictionary. Complete DOE-2.2
documentation is available from http://doe2.com/DOE2/index.html. See the
bottom of the page.


- Kevin Madison

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