[BLDG-SIM] equest - fan powered box + DX cooling

Keir Howell keirh at BluestoneEnergy.com
Thu Jul 6 08:27:36 PDT 2006

I have never found a way to do it directly, so what I have done in the past 
is to create a PIU system with a dummy chilled water system to simulate the 
DX cooling.  You have to remember to change the chiller performance curves 
to DX curves, and set the CHW pump head to 0 so there will be no pump 

Keir Howell
Bluestone Energy Services, Ltd.
phone:    781-982-2888
fax:    781-982-2811

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rohini Brahme" <rbrahme at harc.edu>
To: <BLDG-SIM at gard.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:41 AM
Subject: [BLDG-SIM] equest - fan powered box + DX cooling

> Hi All:
> Is there a system in equest that will allow DX-cooling and fan powered
> boxes? I tried PIU and PVAV systems. The PIU system does not allow DX
> cooling and the VAV systems do not allow fan-powered boxes.
> Thanks
> - Rohini
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