[bldg-sim] Elevator energy consumption

Jeff Haberl jeffhaberl at tees.tamus.edu
Mon May 22 10:22:24 PDT 2006

Usually small. Depends on the system type and use. 

We have some hourly data for in the old LoanSTAR database. 

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Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., P.E.............................jhaberl at esl.tamu.edu

Professor......................................................Office Ph: 979-845-6507

Department of Architecture.......................Lab Ph: 979-845-6065 

Energy Systems Laboratory.......................FAX: 979-862-2457 

Texas A&M University..............................77843-3581

College Station, Texas, USA.......................URL: www-esl.tamu.edu

BB 8=/  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=()  8=) 8=?  8=)  8=)  8= BB

-----Original Message-----
From: bldg-sim at gard.com
To: bldg-sim at gard.com
Sent: Mon May 22 09:23:05 2006
Subject: [bldg-sim] Elevator energy consumption

Does anyone have a documented source of elevator electricity consumption numbers for a typical office building? What would a normal number be in terms of % of overall building consumption?


Vikram Sami, LEED AP 
Direct Phone 404-253-1466 | Direct Fax 404-253-1366 

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