[BLDG-SIM] IBPSA News -- October 2007 articles due!

Larry Degelman ldegelman at suddenlink.net
Mon Aug 13 13:54:35 PDT 2007

I would like to have all the IBPSA News items in hand by 24 September for
the October 2007 issue.  In this issue, I would like to emphasize the
results of BS2007 in Beijing and report on updates in commonly recognized
simulation software packages, as well as some lesser known software
For those of you planning to attend BS2007 in Beijing, 3-6 September, (see:
www.BS2007.org.cn), please plan to take some photos and contribute them to
this next  issue of the IBPSA News.  For simulation software updates, it
would be good to have reports of new version numbers, new capabilities,
qualifications/certifications for energy tax credits, federal energy code
compliance, etc.  Visual and/or drawing interfaces would also be good to
read about.
As always, we are looking for announcements about your Affiliate activities
- several Affiliates are new this year - as well as conferences, meeting
reports, achievements, and honors and awards given to your members.
Photographs (JPEGs) are highly desirable and encouraged.
Scholarly articles are also welcome; though, we will be featuring one or two
from the BS conference.
Thank you for anything you can send.  Please remember that our editor can
work easier with DOC files rather than PDF files.
Larry Degelman, IBPSA News Chairperson
Larry O. Degelman, P.E.          <mailto:ldegelman at suddenlink.net>
ldegelman at suddenlink.net
Professor Emeritus of Architecture     1-979-696-2506
Texas A&M University

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