[BLDG-SIM] T-24 question in eQuest for California project

Mike Tillou miket at etcgrp.com
Thu Mar 22 07:46:16 PDT 2007

I haven't had a chance to use the Title 24 Code Compliance feature in eQuest yet but my experience is based on using the Savings by Design compliance tool. 
The code compliance analysis runs your original model through a rule-set that re-writes the input file creating both a baseline model file and a new proposed model file.  The new models are based on your original model and the parameters of the Code Compliance Rule Set.  The Tool will overwrite any user inputs that do not fit within the pre-defined rule-set.  The purpose I think is to avoid gaming and to ensure the integrity of the data inputs in both the baseline and as-designed models. 
Volume 5 of the DOE2.2 documentation describes in detail how the Compliance Analysis Tool works.  It may not answer all your question but it should help you understand what the Analysis tool is doing.

Michael Tillou, PE 
ETC Group - Energy Engineering for a Sustainable Future 

	-----Original Message-----
	From: BLDG-SIM at gard.com [mailto:BLDG-SIM at gard.com] On Behalf Of Renee Azerbegi
	Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:54 AM
	To: BLDG-SIM at gard.com
	Subject: [BLDG-SIM] T-24 question in eQuest for California project
	For those who have used the Title 24 analysis in eQuest for California projects, I know it hasn't been officially approved yet but by the time our building will be fully designed I am hoping that it will be. Anyone know the latest on this approval process?
	Also, during early design stages, we typically run a Base Case (code complaint model), a Design Case (proposed design), and EEMs (energy efficiency measures) on top of the Design Case to determine savings individually from each EEM.
	When we run the Title 24 analysis, a T24 Standard model  is created  which is great so we don't have to input all the data ourselves. However it also creates a T24  Proposed Design model. Obviously the T24 Standard model is our new Base Case.  However, the T24 Proposed model is sometimes quite different than our  original Design Case.   Does anyone know why the simulation changes our Design Case to make the energy usage different?
	Also, we had trouble with the daylighting simulations in  adding daylighitng to the Proposed T24 design  case. I'm assuming it is correct to model the EEMs on top of the T24 Proposed Design? But how do we get around the daylight modeling part?
	This building is  going for LEED complaince. The new LEED version if you haven't heard, for those that work on LEED projects in California, isn't giving any additional credit for T24-2005 compared to ASHRAE 90.1-2004.
	Thanks for any help! This is the first time we are using this T24 compliance analysis tool.

	Renée Azerbegi, CEM, LEED-AP

	ambient energy - solar & sustainable design solutions

	t 303.278.1532 | f 303.278.8533 | c 303.885.2695 | renee at ambient-e.com | ambient-e.com  



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