[BLDG-SIM] Traction Elevators and LEED Baseline

Fred Porter FPorter at archenergy.com
Fri Nov 16 15:40:22 PST 2007

Someone most surely has, but unfortunately, USGBC has ignored this text on page G-8 of the 90.1-2004 Users Manual:
"3. Provide instructions for the
exceptional method, so that other
users may apply it consistently and
fairly in future rating method
applications. Once approved, the
exceptional calculation method will
become, in effect, an amendment to
the rating method."

>>> "Jon Evans" <jevans at sustaineng.com> 11/16/2007 4:12 PM >>>
Does anyone have experience using the exceptional calculation method (ASHRAE
90.1 Appendix G Section G2.5) to justify traction elevators as an efficiency
improvement over hydraulic elevators?

I searched the LEED CIR rulings and didn't find much on the exceptional
calculation method or changing the process load for elevator upgrades.
(Appendix G Table G3.1 line 12 says that the elevator load must stay the



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