[Bldg-sim] Dedicated Outside Air

Tim Johnson timj at ctagroup.com
Fri Feb 1 07:17:01 PST 2008

I am working on a 70,000 sq ft health sciences building.  This building has a wide range of room types, from lecture halls of 90 people to simulation labs and offices with maybe one or two people.  I am using eQuest to model this building for LEED.  The proposed system for this building is a two part system.  The main air handler is a cooling only VAV.  We also have a second air handler for outside air.  These two ducted systems mix at each zone where there is a reheat coil.  Is there a way to model this type of system in eQuest?  The DCV settings are either set by critical zone or by return air.  Neither of these is an accurate representation of the existing system.  We will likely have situations where the lecture halls will be receiving 100% outside air while other rooms need only a small fraction of OA.  I have seen mention of dummy zones, but this doesn't seem like an accurate method to me.  Please let me know if you have any tips on this.

Thank you,

Tim Johnson
Mechanical EIT
timj at ctagroup.com

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