[Bldg-sim] Middle School - DHW & Ventilation

Varkie Thomas thomasv at iit.edu
Fri Feb 8 09:09:49 PST 2008

The Middle School in question has 170,000 sqft and about 2000 students.  It has science labs, cafeteria, gymnasium, toilets and showers besides, classrooms, offices, library and computer labs.  I am looking for design criteria and schedules.  Is there published information, examples or case studies for estimating Domestic Hot Water and Ventilation requirements?  What are the options for saving energy in these two cases based on ASHRAE Std90?  I presently model occupancy-based-sensors by adjusting the design ventilation schedule by the occupancy schedule.  Can you reduce the ventilation rates if carbon and ionization filters are used?  What are the drawbacks?
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