[Bldg-sim] Dubai Bin Data- conversion Problem?

Ümit Esiyok umit.esiyok at uni-dortmund.de
Tue Feb 12 01:38:19 PST 2008

Dear All

I converted EnergyPlus (epw) Weather data into .Bin data by using
"eQ_WthProc"  weather data converted succesfully but in the LS-L
Management and solar summary all radiation values are zero. I tried same
thing with other cities for example Kuwait, Seattle and Stuttgart it works
with those cities but not Dubai, although I check the "Calculate Solar
Direct-Normal based on Global Horizontal" box on the EPW Weather files
conversion Tab.

does anyone experienced such thing before, or does anyone has Dubai .Bin
weather data.

Ümit Esiyok

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