[Bldg-sim] Appendix G: G3.1.1.1 Purchase heat

Tobias, Mike mtobias at loringengineers.com
Fri Feb 15 06:01:35 PST 2008

Xiaowei Xu,

I would use the same purchased heat in both baseline and proposed.  In
NYC per btu, Con Ed steam cost approx. 10X more then gas.  This makes
sense because by using steam owners reclaim rentable space, have less
maintenance, less first time equipment cost, don't need a trained
professional to operate a boiler, etc.  Therefore, on an energy
consumption basis both models could be equal, but on a annual cost basis
(as LEED specifies) steam will be much worse.  I believe its LEEDs
intention not to penalize you for such a drastic difference in rates and
wants the same exact purchased heat for both models.  Hope this helps.

-Mike Tobias PE
mtobias at loringengineers.com

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