[Bldg-sim] FW: Interstitial condensations

Aizaz Samuel aizaz.a.samuel at strath.ac.uk
Tue Jul 1 05:28:48 PDT 2008


I remember doing interstitial condensation some years ago and displaying plots 
of actual and dew point temperature through cross sections of the fabric. Did 
not have any ice in the model though. I used ESP-r.


On Monday 30 June 2008 22:24, Foroutan Parand wrote:
> Dear all,
> I wonder if anyone knows of software that can calculate interstitial
> condensation within a construction which separates two conditioned zones.
> For example, on the one side (first floor) there is an Ice Rink and on the
> other side (floor below) a Swimming Pool. The two zones interface through a
> multilayer internal floor slab. We need to assess the risk of condensation
> and decide where the vapour barriers should be.
> Most of the software I have seen, including the dynamic ones, assume the
> moisture transfer between the outdoor and indoor conditions. In this case
> we have maintained conditions on both side for most of the duration of a
> day, so it cannot be considered as cyclic condition. Furthermore, the ice
> is a layer at a constant temperature attached to the floor slab, which is
> not dealt with in any of the software I have seen.
> Would be grateful for your advice.
> Foroutan Parand


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