[Bldg-sim] eQUEST - City Chilled Water Loop and ASHRAE Appendix G

Michael Bejrowski MichaelB at auseea.com
Wed Jul 16 12:39:40 PDT 2008

How do you model a building that is attached to a city chilled water loop?
Have any of you had experience with ASHRAE 90.1 Append. G, Table G3.1, 1c where it says "All conditioned spaces in the proposed design shall be simulated as being both heated and cooled even if no heating or cooling system is to be installed,..."?
We modeled a building that had heated vehicle maintenance bays, so by the ASHRAE standard it would seem that we could not model it that way, but would have to model it as being heated AND cooled.
Any ideas or experience would be greatly appreciated.
Michael Bejrowski
Mechanical EIT
Austin, TX
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