[Bldg-sim] simulation PhD

Jan Potac jan.potac at gmail.com
Sun Jun 22 23:30:57 PDT 2008

Dear engineers
I graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague, faculty of Mechanical
Engineering in January. My MSc studies were mostly focused on HVAC
and building simulation. I would like to continue my studies as a PhD
student. I am looking for some positions dealing with CFD, weather
conditions and building behaviour or something related to this. But I am
open also for other problems. It is always a challenge.
Do you know some possibilities for me, please? I would like to ask you for
some help. I appreciate every comment.

I am sorry if you consider this email as a spam.
Thank you very much!

Best regards

Jan Potac

Ing. Jan POTAC
gsm: +420 737 486 313
email: jan.potac at gmail.com
icq: 151690641
msn: jan.potac at hotmail.com
skype: janpotac
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