[Bldg-sim] Simulation Error Message

Christopher Sturdivant csturdiv at rmf.com
Thu Mar 6 06:51:02 PST 2008

Hello All,

Every time that I try to run a simulation of my building using e-quest an error message pops up that says "errors during hvac simulation or design calculations.  See sim file for details."  I went under the simulation file and found the error and it was for one of my air handling units, and it said that "cooling coil leaving temperature must be at least 6°F higher than entering water temp."  I've been looking all over in the different files and pretty much my question is where do I go in order to change this to be correct?  Another question is every time that I go to make a custom roof in the detailed edit wizard and go back to the building creation wizard the custom roof changes back to the previous shape and I was wondering why that was.  



Christopher Sturdivant

Design Engineer-Mechanical


RMF Engineering, Inc.

Ph: 843-971-9639 ext. 110

Fax: 843-971-9641

csturdiv at rmf.com


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