[Bldg-sim] Spreadsheet schedule view

Steven Savich ssavich at systemswestengineers.com
Mon Mar 10 12:45:02 PDT 2008

This is a comment/suggestion for Mr. Criswell and the other eQuest
developers to implement in future releases, and I think it would be helpful
for other eQuest users to comment on their perception of the utility of the
following suggestion:


I've run into a few projects now where it would be helpful on the
spreadsheet view for spaces to have an option to show all schedules that
apply to the spaces.  On several projects I've created a number of different
occupancy, lighting, and office equipment schedules for different room uses
(storage, office, conference, classroom, break, etc) both to simulate
diversity and enable detailed ECMs that are based on schedules.  Being able
to make sure each space has the proper set of matched schedules would be,
IMO, made much easier by a schedule comparison tab in the interface.




Steven Savich

Systems West Engineers

411 High Street

Eugene, OR  97401-2427

(541) 342-7210

(541) 342-7220 (fax)


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