[Bldg-sim] IES<VE>
Jason Glazer
jglazer at gard.com
Fri May 30 05:14:27 PDT 2008
I don't know of any IES VE mailing lists or forums. I do
know that IES provides help through their web site.
If I have enough interest from IES VE users, I would be glad
to start a mailing list on onebuilding.org for the program.
If you are a user of IES VE and want an email list, please
let me know.
On 5/29/2008 8:54 AM, Anis Ben Ayed wrote:
> Dear All,
> I know that most of us here are eQuest or Trace users, but does anyone
> know if there are any IES VE mailing lists on the WWW?
> Also for IES VE users: Was anyone able to model the chilled water and
> hot water supply temperature reset based on outdoor temperatures as
> required in the baseline case in ASHRAE90.1-2004 Appendix G?
> Thank you,
> *Anis Ben Ayed**,* *LEED**^® * *AP*
> Mechanical Engineer
> *Ebert & Baumann Consulting Engineers, Inc. <http://www.eb-engineers.com/>*
> An Enterprise of the Ebert-Consulting Group
> 1004 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
> Washington, D.C. 20003, USA
> ( 202.608.1334
> * a.benayed at eb-engineers.com
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