[Bldg-sim] target finder and portfolio manager
Jason Glazer
jglazer at gard.com
Thu May 22 11:36:48 PDT 2008
I understand that the basis of both EPA ENERGY STAR programs
is the same DOE database of existing buildings called CBECS.
I also believe that EPA tries to keep the two programs
consistent since they are meant to be used on the same
building during design and then during occupancy.
I would give Portfolio Manager a try. I used it extensively
a few years ago and it does not really take that long to set
up and it sounds like what you really want.
On 5/22/2008 11:10 AM, Ramana Koti wrote:
> Dear all,
> For benchmarking a building's energy performance, I understand that
> Target Finder helps with proposed designs and portfolio manager helps
> with existing buildings.
> Is the set of background information against which a building in
> question is benchmarked same for both the processes? If one needs to do
> a quick and dirty calculation for an existing building even before
> officially starting work on a project, would it be acceptable to run the
> existing building utility information via target finder to see where it
> stands in relation to regional average and in terms of energy star
> score? (I ask this because setting up a project in portfolio manager
> takes considerable time).
> Thanks,
> Sustainable Building Analyst
> ELEMENTS division of BNIM architects
> 106 West 14th Street Suite 200
> Kansas City Missouri 64105
> d 816.783.1635 f 816.783.1501
> bnim.com <http://bnim.com> | elements.bnim.com <http://elements.bnim.com>
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