[Bldg-sim] eQuest 90.1 Window U Values

Jon Evans jevans at sustaineng.com
Fri May 23 06:15:35 PDT 2008



Those are the numbers Equest uses.  You need to adjust (de-rate) your
proposed assembly numbers ("NFRC 100: Procedure for Determining Fenestration
Product U-Factors" is a good source). You can back the glass conductance
(and shading coefficient?) out using this procedure.


Good luck.




From: Josh Greenfield [mailto:JGreenfield at primerachicago.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 5:42 PM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] eQuest 90.1 Window U Values


I'm to the point in an Energy Model where I'm changing my 'Proposed Model'
to my 'Baseline Model' and I'm having issues changing the window data.  For
the ASHRAE 90.1 region, the Assembly U value needs to be set to 0.57 and the
Assembly SHGC needs to be set to 0.39.where do I input these numbers??  The
only window data values eQuest is letting me change is Glass Conductance,
VLT and Emissivity.



Josh Greenfield, PE, LEED AP
Senior Associate
Primera Engineers, Ltd.
100 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60606
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312.242.6392 Direct
312.606.0415 Fax
 <blocked::mailto:jgreenfield at primerachicago.com>
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 <http://www.primerachicago.com> http://www.primerachicago.com

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