[Bldg-sim] Taiwan Weather Data Files
Benny KM Chow (CUHK)
bennychow at cuhk.edu.hk
Sat May 24 05:47:19 PDT 2008
Recently, our group is working on few projects in Taiwan.
Surprisingly, Taipei is the only city listed on the EnergyPlus
Weather Data web site.
Could anyone give us some hints on locating the weather
data files for other cities in Taiwan, like Hsin-chu,
Tai-chung, Tai-nan, and Kao-hsiung?
- Benny K.M. Chow
Zeina Alwan wrote:
> Dear all,
> Could you please help us find the weather data (.epw , .wea) for Sanaa
> Yemen. I couldn’t find it on the energy plus website and still haven’t
> received the file from energyplus support.
> One more thing, we are interested in having all weather data files for
> the middle-east countries. Could you please suggest how I can get those
> files?
> Thanks,
> Zeina Alwan
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