[Bldg-sim] Swimming Pool Modelling

Nuno Brandao ncostab at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 04:30:24 PST 2008

Dear bldg members,

I´m trying to execute a simulation approach on a swimming pool simulation
using EnergyPlus. I decided to write  hoping you could give me some guidance
help on this kind of simulation approach since Energyplus does not have a
model for it.

The objective would be to simulate the pool environment, accounting for all
the heat transfer phenomenons, heat losses, etc., but more important the
evaporation losses which must be treated with dehumidification equipment.
The space must be heated and dehumidified using a standard dehumidifier

Defining the space and boundary conditions is not difficult using the
current geometry interfaces. At the end I would like to obtain the energy
consumption of HVAC equipment on treating the space loads (mainly
dehumidification and heating).

Can you give me some guidance help on what have you done in your approach on
EnergyPlus? Is there any other software or application which is capable of
simulating this kind of model?

Thanks in advance,
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