[Bldg-sim] LEED Submittal - Energy Model Area vs Architect's Built-Up Area

Mathew Higgins higgins at edi-arch.com
Sun Oct 5 11:27:51 PDT 2008

We've been corrected by the USGBC when using different area numbers 
throughout the online submission templates. To correct the problem we 
changed the areas to match the energy model because it was already 
completed, with much work done in eQuest's detailed interface. We 
re-submitted after the Design Submittal comments and were given the 
green light...

I measure from the exterior wall perimeter as that is what I can recall 
Marlin Addison recommending, though I could be wrong in my recollection. 
I also include all areas and mark unconditioned areas as such.

Hope this helps!

Matthew Higgins, LEED AP
Technical Specialist
Environmental Dynamics, Inc.
Architecture and Sustainability Consulting Services

Any data provided by the Consultant, verbal or written, are to be considered opinions of building energy and/or daylight performance. The Client understands that the Consultant has no control of occupant habits, equipment or material performance or characteristics, site or climate conditions or the Contractor's method of assembly, and that the Consultant's opinions regarding building energy/daylight performance are made on the basis of the Consultant's professional judgment and experience. The Consultant makes no warranty, express or implied, that the energy/daylight performance of the building will not vary from the Consultant's opinion of building energy/daylight performance.

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