[Bldg-sim] WSHP
Brian Fountain
bfountain at greensim.com
Mon Oct 20 07:28:16 PDT 2008
Ensure your fan operation is consistently "constant". If fans are
"intermittent", OA is only introduced when the fan is on -- and the fan
run hours are likely different between the two system types depending on
capacity & control -- which will skew your results.
Chris Mullinax wrote:
> On three or four occasions I have used equest to compare traditional,
> small split systems (three to five ton) to a water source heat pump
> system in the same building. The WSHP system uses a cooling tower and
> a small boiler.
> I tried to make everything else identical by creating the first model
> and saving a copy of that model and changing the HVAC type from split
> system to WSHP.
> On every occasion, split systems end up using significantly less
> energy than water source heat pumps systems.
> The WSHPs are typically 16 SEER, the Splits 13 SEER.
> I know there is additional energy associated with pumps and cooling
> towers. Is this a typical result?
> It seems I've heard a lot of high about the efficiency of water source
> heat pumps.
> Thanks,
> Chris Mullinax, P.E. LEED AP
> pn: 770-387-1334
> fx: 770-387-1383
> chris at mullinaxsolutions.com <mailto:chris at mullinaxsolutions.com>
> www.mullinaxsolutions.com <http://www.mullinaxsolutions.com>
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