[Bldg-sim] ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Efficiencies

Dan Jestico djestico at hilsonmoran.com
Tue Dec 1 08:34:19 PST 2009

Afternoon all,
We're trying to obtain the minimum CoP for a Packaged Terminal Heat Pump
in cooling mode for a new construction using table 6.8.1D in ASHRAE
90.1-2004 (SI edition) and the formula is proving to be somewhat
confusing. In the SI edition it is described as 
[3.60 - (0.213 x Cap/1000)]
Is this the same equation as listed in the imperial edition of
90.1-2004? If the max. unit capacity of 4.4kW is converted to Btu/hr
(approx 15024 Btu/hr, as per note c) and input to the formula, the
minimum CoP is only 0.4, which seems very low. However, if I use the
value in Watts in the equation, the minimum CoP comes out as a much more
reasonable 2.66. 
I can't seem to find any addenda on ASHRAE's website or additional
guidance on this matter and would very much appreciate any guidance you
can provide.
Many thanks for your help.

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