[Bldg-sim] Calculating solar reflectance using Ecotect

Priya Premchandran priyap at serapdx.com
Fri Dec 11 17:33:11 PST 2009


Has anyone used Ecotect to analyze solar absorption/reflectance for a surface , for example a building façade? Using Ecotect, it is possible to calculate the incident solar radiation values but I am more interested to find if the software could be used to  determine the solar reflectance/absorption values to help compare various design options.

Any thoughts or suggestions on this issue is very much appreciated.


architecture    urban design+planning    interior design    serapdx.com<http://www.serapdx.com/>

priya premchandran, LEED® AP
leed® coordinator    priyap at serapdx.com<mailto:priyap at serapdx.com>
338 nw 5th avenue, portland, oregon  97209
d: 503.445.7368    t: 503.445.7372     f: 503.445.7395
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