[Bldg-sim] System Fan Power in Appendix G

Paul Erickson perickson at aeieng.com
Sat Jan 24 10:18:41 PST 2009

Option 1 is the correct way to model.  It is painful for a lab building, yes.  Designs are often 50-100% higher in horsepower than what is allowable per Appendix G.  It's very important to help the design team understand this and emphasize the importance of finding ways to reduce the fan bhp.  
Paul Erickson
Sustainable Team Leader
Affiliated Engineers, Inc
www.aeieng.com ( http://www.aeieng.com/ )
303.859.7523 - c
 ( mailto:mschrader at aeieng.com )

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>>> "Sam Mason" <sam.mason at atelierten.com> 01/22/09 11:10 AM >>>
Option 1 does seem to be the correct way to model. However, for a few
lab buildings following this method, the fans used almost twice as much
energy in the proposed model as the baseline, so option 2 was used.
Also, if you bunch all of the fan energy into the supply, would it be
possible to model 24/7 constant volume supply or exhaust (fume hoods or
clean rooms) on the same system?


Sam Mason
Atelier Ten
sam.mason at atelierten.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Kaufman [mailto:Mike at ambient-e.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:52 AM
To: Sam Mason; Bill Talbert; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org; Kendra
Tupper; Ming Zeng
Subject: RE: [Bldg-sim] System Fan Power in Appendix G


Thanks for the response.  So, you are suggesting Option 2 is
appropriate.  Have you had this method accepted by USGBC?  I feel that
Option 1 is more consistent with the intentions of Appendix G, because
every time I use Option 2, I get unreasonably large fan energy savings.
I do agree that the section is written poorly, and the wording can be
interpreted either way, but I wouldn't want to overestimate fan savings
and later have this decision questioned/rejected.  Also, I interpret
section G3.1.2.8 to specify the required cfm of the return and exhaust
fans, not the power to each fan.



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