[Bldg-sim] Call for Papers: 2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Tianzhen Hong thong at lbl.gov
Fri Sep 4 08:54:52 PDT 2009

      *"The Climate for Efficiency is Now "*

*August 15--20, 2010
Asilomar Conference Grounds <http://www.visitasilomar.com/>
Pacific Grove, California *

    *Conference Co-Chairs:*

        *Robert Hawsey, National Renewable Energy Laboratory *
        *Craig Wray, Lawrence Berkeley National Labratory


The 2010 ACEEE Summer Study is the 15th biennial ACEEE conference on 
Energy Efficiency in Buildings. A diverse group of professionals from 
around the world will gather at this preeminent meeting to discuss the 
technological basis for, and practical implementation of, reducing 
energy use and climate impacts associated with buildings. Presentations 
and discussions will relate to the theme, "The Climate for Efficiency is 
Now." Global activities related to energy efficiency in buildings are 
rapidly expanding, in part to stimulate world economies, but also to 
avoid the worst consequences of climate change and resource depletion. 
To achieve its full potential, however, this energy efficiency "engine" 
needs to address sustainable development and climate issues that go 
beyond buildings. Well integrated programs, technologies, and financing 
sources need to be developed. A new generation of multi-disciplinary 
practitioners, researchers, and policymakers needs to be trained and 
quickly deployed to solve the closely-coupled energy efficiency and 
climate problems that we face. Come to the 2010 Summer Study, where you 
can share your ideas and engage in dialogue with leading thinkers, 
visionaries, and luminaries in the field, while experiencing the 
magnificent natural setting of Asilomar.

We invite you to contribute your most creative work in the following areas:

    * energy technologies and information technologies and practices
    * market transformation
    * design and performance of buildings
    * program design, implementation, and evaluation
    * human and social dimensions of energy use
    * utility regulation, strategies, and policy
    * sustainable communities
    * integrating energy efficiency and climate change policies
    * workforce training

*Deadline to submit abstract is October 23, 2009.*

More information, including submitting your abstracts online, is 
available at the conference web site - 

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