[Bldg-sim] Cold Storage Energy Simulation
Fareed Syed
syedf at progressiveae.com
Fri Jan 29 12:32:37 PST 2010
Hello All,
Does anyone have any idea which software has the capability of modeling a cold storage (-30 F) for energy analysis?
I talked to customer support of Trace 700 and came to know it does not have that capability.
Fareed Syed EIT, LEED® AP
Mechanical Engineer
1811 4 Mile Rd NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Phone: 616.361.2664 ext. 3247
Direct: 616.447.3447
Fax: 616.361.1493
syedf at progressiveae.com
www.progressiveae.com <http://www.progressiveae.com/>
From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Justin Spencer
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 3:08 PM
To: Field, Kristin
Cc: BldgSim Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Commercial building baseline energy use/techs forAlaska
Hey Kristin,
Thanks for the link and caveats. Any idea how these things were calibrated?
On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Field, Kristin <Kristin.Field at nrel.gov> wrote:
This will not entirely cover what you want, but it may give you a good start. DOE has published benchmark energy models and results for 16 different types of commercial buildings in 16 ASHRAE 90.1-2004 climate zones here:
If you prefer not to dive into the energy models themselves, you can get most of what you would need to know about them in the "scorecard" spreadsheets. Each scorecard lists the inputs and results for one particular building type across all the climate zones. Tip - to get the scorecard files, you will need to download the zip files by building type, not climate zone. It looks like Alaska has climate zones 7 and 8. Climate zone 7 was simulated using the TMY2 Duluth, MN weather file, and climate zone 8 was simulated using the TMY2 Fairbanks, AK weather file.
These are considered to be baseline/benchmark buildings representative of a particular commercial building type. They may help you by:
· Showing the difference in energy consumption in climates 7 and 8 versus the other climate zones - both total and broken down by end-use and fuel type
· Showing how the above changes depending on building type
· Showing the variation in auto-sized equipment between climate zones and building types
One big caveat - for a more apples-to-apples comparison, system types were not varied across climate zones according to local practices. If you want to know what system types are more common in Alaska vs. another region, these models will not provide you with that information. They are simulations intended to represent average (new construction) buildings, but not any one particular real building.
To get more of a statistical representation of what's out there, you might try the CBECS dataset:
Good luck!
Kristin M. Field
Engineer II - Mechanical
Commercial Buildings Group
Electricity, Resources, and Building Systems Integration Center
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd., mailstop 5202
Golden, CO 80401
303.384.7376 phone
303.384.7540 fax
Kristin.Field at nrel.gov
From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Ramirez, Bob
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 10:59 AM
To: BldgSim Mailing List
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Commercial building baseline energy use/techs for Alaska
Hello all. I am looking for baseline information on commercial building energy use, construction and technologies for Alaska.
If you are aware of any such studies, I would be very grateful if you can tell me where to find them.
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Bob Ramírez, P.E.
Itron Consulting & Analysis Group > http://www.itron.com/consulting <http://www.itron.com/pages/products_category.asp?id=itr_000796.xml>
11236 El Camino Real > San Diego, CA 92130
Main: 858-724-2620 Direct: 858-724-2650 Cell: 858-692-5676
E-mail > Bob.Ramirez at Itron.com
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