[Bldg-sim] Swimming Pools

JRR energy.wwind at cox.net
Thu Mar 11 20:39:04 PST 2010

Hi Jim;

Several Timeshare vacation condos with athletic facilities & pool have 
Tranter ?? brand heat pumps that are specially
designed to reduce humidity in the pool space and reclaim that heat for 
the rest of the building.........
Massanutten resort near Harrisonburg VA has a large Tranter.......... 
see http://tranter.com/dt
also see..... http://www.massresort.com/v.php?pg=3

John R Ross III PE
Westwind Corporation
Vienna, VA 22182-1958
energy.wwind at cox.net

James V Dirkes II, PE wrote:
> Dear Bldg-Sim community,
> I’m trying to plan a LEED energy model which has a _swimming pool_ and 
> am stuck thinking about how to model the baseline condition.
> A pool has such specialized needs that I have doubts whether one of 
> the specified baseline systems in ASHRAE 90.1 can do an acceptable job 
> of controlling temperature and humidity.
> At present, I am reasonably confident that I can schedule the pool 
> occupancy properly, add moisture in amounts that parallel the pool 
> evaporation and specify the pool heater energy.
> My facility requires a “System 6” parallel fan powered VAV box HVAC 
> system (95,000 sq.ft., single story, multi-purpose facility). This is 
> not a system type that makes sense for a pool, so I hesitate to use it 
> at all. If I have to, for purposes of following 90.1, I think it might 
> meet temperature loads, but it certainly won’t meet humidity loads, at 
> least not at the specified 20F airside delta T. That, of course means 
> that overall energy use will not even be close to what will actually 
> be needed and the baseline will compare poorly with the actual (very 
> efficient) HVAC system.
> I’ll appreciate any guidance from those among you who have done LEED 
> projects with pools!
> Thanks in advance.
> BPT BizCard_RGB_0507
> All telephone numbers in America begin with the digits 555.
> The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place.
> No one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel
> to any other part of the building you want without difficulty.
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