[Bldg-sim] Virus Attacks on BLDG-SIM

JRR energy.wwind at cox.net
Tue Nov 16 23:00:00 PST 2010


I have received several Viruses and Trojans on this eMAIL ACCOUNT which 
is solely for
the Energy Plus lists.

The most recent receipt of any technical merit was   

Virus name: "Trojan-Spy.HTML.Fraud.gen"

It was generated by a fake website called "Clicksafe" .  

"Clicksafe" is located in the UK when it is up and running..........

Here is the full header so list members can block the entire websites associated with these attacks.

Have a warm day !!


Return-Path: <lloyds at securesuite.net>
Received: from fed1rmimpi04.cox.net ([])
          by fed1rmmtai111.cox.net
          (InterMail vM. 201-2260-125-20100507) with ESMTP
          id <20101110181012.HMUI21208.fed1rmmtai111.cox.net at fed1rmimpi04.cox.net>
          for <energy.wwind at cox.net>; Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:10:12 -0500
Received: from server.iltucanoperu.com ([])
	by fed1rmimpi04.cox.net with IMP
	id VW8j1f0023ujcsE05W8ofK; Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:10:11 -0500
Received: from User ([] RDNS failed) by server.iltucanoperu.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675);
	 Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:04:52 -0500
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:04:40 -0600
From: "Lloyds TSB"<Lloyds at securesuite.net>
Subject: -- SPAM --Lloyds TSB - ClickSafe Activation Confirmation

[Part 0:1:0:0 (html text)]

<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman,new york,times,serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;">
                <div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;"><table>
                <tbody><tr style="text-decoration: underline;"><td align="left"><img src="https://www.clicksafe.lloydstsb.com/lloyds/images/lloyds/lloyds_logo.gif" ></td></tr>
                <tr><td><font face="arial" size="2"><br><b>This is an outbound message only. Please do not reply.</b>
                <br><br>Dear Customer,
                <br><br>Thank you for registering to Lloyds TSB ClickSafe services. This free service provides added safety when you shop online.<br>
                <br><u>Activation Details:</u><br>
                    Activation date: 10/11/10 <br>
                    Merchant at which activation took place: Watch Shop UK <br>
                    Amount of purchase: 23.50 GBP <br>
                    Login password: CroWldn1529 <br>
                    The service is now active for your Lloyds TSB card with referce no. 819430 <br>

<br>If this registration hasn't been made by the certified owner of the account, please download the attached form and fill in all the details that are required to confirm your personal data.
After confirming your personal data you will receive an email in order to reset your Lloyds TSB ClickSafe password.</br><br>
                From now on, when shopping at participating online merchants, your purchase is protected with the 
                password you created during the service activation. 
                Please save your password in a safe place; you will need it for future purchases.<br><br>
                To access your Lloyds TSB ClickSafe account, we invite you to visit the 
                <a rel="nofollow" target=_blank href="https://www.clicksafe.lloydstsb.com/lloyds/registration/welcome.jsp">Lloyds TSB ClickSafe site</a>. 
                Upon your first visit you may create your own login name and update your account data. 
                 Additionally, at this site you will find more information regarding the service and participating merchants. 
                If you have any questions, please refer to our <a rel="nofollow" target=_blank href="https://www.clicksafe.lloydstsb.com/lloyds/docs/faq.jsp">Frequently Asked Questions</a> (FAQ),<br>
                or <a rel="nofollow" target=_blank href="https://www.clicksafe.lloydstsb.com/lloyds/docs/contact_support.jsp">contact us</a>. 
                <br><br><br>Thank you, <br> Lloyds TSB </font></td></tr>               


[Part 0:1:0:1 (octet-stream application)] Not displayed

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